

Banned but still being sold. Testing in Serbia reveals plastic goods full of dangerous phthalates

Banned but still being sold. Testing in Serbia reveals plastic goods full of dangerous phthalates

BELGRADE - Even when strict regulations are introduced on toxic substances in consumer goods, these can still be present and pose a threat to public health, as showed by a recent...

The project Youth for a Healthy Serbia wants to activate and motivate young Serbian society

The project Youth for a Healthy Serbia wants to activate and motivate young Serbian society

Using practical examples, they will experience how to prepare and successfully implement a campaign for important issues in the protection of the environment and citizens' health...

Cancer-causing Dioxins and PCBs Threaten the Food Supply and Human Health Globally

Cancer-causing Dioxins and PCBs Threaten the Food Supply and Human Health Globally


Cities of Europe face a growing conflict between private and public interests

Cities of Europe face a growing conflict between private and public interests

As urbanization in European countries goes on, the quality of life in urban areas and the sustainability of spatial planning are becoming crucial. A conflict between private and...

Soft plastic, harsh truth: almost one-third of the articles made of soft plastic that were tested contain toxic substances

Soft plastic, harsh truth: almost one-third of the articles made of soft plastic that were tested contain toxic substances

Phthalates banned by EU legislation in concentrations higher than 0.1% [1] were found in almost one-third of the articles from the Serbian market that were tested (10 out of 36...

"Children's toys containing phthalates? Unfortunately, still a common threat in Serbia": experts from Arnika explain the motivation for a new international project

"Children's toys containing phthalates? Unfortunately, still a common threat in Serbia": experts from Arnika explain the motivation for a new international project

Even in the Czech Republic, despite the ban on the use of phthalates in children's toys and the recent tightening of related European Commission regulations, there are occasional...

‘Toxic eggs’ in Switzerland testify to global contamination with poisonous substances

‘Toxic eggs’ in Switzerland testify to global contamination with poisonous substances

At the Stockholm Convention , Arnika is presenting the results of recent analyses of chicken eggs from 29 countries concerning the presence of dioxins and dioxin-like substances....

European study exposing toxic e-waste chemicals in children’s products spurs calls for policy to end recycling exemptions for hazardous waste

European study exposing toxic e-waste chemicals in children’s products spurs calls for policy to end recycling exemptions for hazardous waste

Environmental health researchers released alarming evidence [1] today that toxic brominated flame retardants, hazardous chemicals from electronic waste that are known to disrupt...

IPEN CEE Regional Meeting Participants Visit Czech Chemical Factory

IPEN CEE Regional Meeting Participants Visit Czech Chemical Factory

How to deal with toxic pollution: That was the main theme of the IPEN Central and Eastern Europe Regional Meeting that took place in Prague in October, 2017. The three-day...